'He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
    and recovery of sight to the blind,
        to let the oppressed go free....' (Luke 4:18)


If you are looking for Christian Based Counselling, this means our faith will be an integral part of our therapy.

I believe God is at work through the therapeutic process to bring about His purposes in your life. I am God's workman, following HIS direction, and integrating a theologically accurate understanding of the Scriptures to the specifics of the your situation through clinically sound therapy.

My practice also has a Guided Imagery element when needed. Using Guided Imagery to faciliate contemplating a Gospel scene (Imaginative Contemplation from the Ignatian tradition), the Holy Spirit presents a mystery of Jesus’ life in a way that is meaningful for you now.  This allows you to be connected with Jesus, gain insights of why you may be triggered in the now which might limit your life and your relationships with others. These insights will allow you to rebuild yourself with a new frame of reference, you will be filled with the love of God and will be more empowered with a strengthened sense of self-worth.